Sustainable Nutrition = Attainable Results

Put All Your Diet Questions to Rest - FOR GOOD

Nutrition and diet when it comes to bodybuilding has always been confusing - but we're going to demystify it forever.

Macro Boot Camp is a detailed, full-length online course designed to give you all the knowledge you need to build your perfect diet and modify it over time to match the needs of your changing physique as you go from one phase to the next.

Full course AVAILABLE NOW! 

How much do I eat? Are carbs bad? WTF is a macro?

Everyone has an opinion

The recommendations you'll find on the "correct" macros can be ALL over the place. We're going to rely on science to establish the right starting point, and then build from there.

Everyone has an opinion

There are some SUPER common mistakes people make with macros - we're going to identify those and fix them before they have a chance to slow down your progress.

Everyone has an opinion

Whether you're trying to build muscle or drop body fat, plateaus happen - Macro Boot Camp teaches you how to KNOW if you're actually plateaued, and what to do about it

Macro Boot Camp Has the Solution

Stop wondering if you're doing things the optimal way and KNOW for sure.

We go into great deal on every facet of nutrition and tracking.

All About Macros

Let's start with the basics. We can't really have "Macro Boot Camp" if we don't understand what the macros are and what roles they fill.

Setting the Right Targets

This is what everyone always wants to know, and rightfully so. The process for setting and adjusting your targets is often simpler than you might expect.

App Comparisons and Tutorials

You might use an app for macro tracking daily or just once every week or two, but you will use one so let's find the best one for your needs.

Build Meal Plans From Scratch

In Macro Boot Camp, work with me as I build several different meal plans in real time using multiple apps, so you can get a feel for my favorites. Each plan will cover a different "hypothetical bodybuilder" with their own distinct needs.

Dealing with Plateaus

Plateaus are going to happen, so instead of crossing our fingers and hoping they don't let's instead go over plans for what to do when the proverbial shit hits the fan. We cover scenarios for both growth plateaus and fat loss plateaus.

Case Studies and Optimization

Sometimes it helps to have some good examples of what NOT to do. I show some case studies from real (anonymous) clients and break down the feedback I gave them so you can avoid making some very common (and sometimes not totally obvious) mistakes.

20+ Distinct Video Chapters

Super detailed, high quality videos broken down into a logical order that's easy to follow. Download notes for all chapters in PDF format also.

Full Tracking App Tutorials

I take my top macro tracking apps and have videos providing full walkthroughs and tutorials for each one

Make Long-Term Progress

Learn how to intelligently adjust your diet over time with some simple guidelines using easily tracked data points.

MASTER Your Diet and Meal Prep

Learn Macros from the Ground Up

To get started, it helps to have a firm understanding of what macros are, how they are counted and tracked, and the role each macronutrient plays in building muscle and performing at your best.

In Macro Boot Camp we dive deep into this - falling short of an organic chemistry lecture (zzzzzz...) but covering 100% of the practical information you need to be successful.

Meal Prep Like a Pro

A successful long-term plan relies on a great foundation of meal prep strategies, and in Macro Boot Camp I offer my best tips for specific foods to yield the best results in the most efficient way possible.

I show the best ways to prep your proteins and carbs and talk about planning out a week in advance, so you KNOW when you'll have to come back and prep again - rather than being caught off guard.

I don't like spending a ton of time in the kitchen and I assume you don't either - we all have busy lives so let's make our prep quick, tasty, and as sustainable as possible.

Master the Apps

Macro-tracking apps are the most common way to log your diet these days and in Macro Boot Camp we talk about the most popular options and I give full walkthroughs on my top choices, so you can quickly master the basics and learn about some hidden features as well that can save you some time and energy.

I also go over the pros and cons of various apps, so if you're already using one you can decide if switching to a different one might make sense based on your needs.

Build and Adjust Your Perfect Meal Plan

The most common question I get asked as a coach is "what should my macros be?"
Of course we dive into that - and answer it clearly - but also we're going deeper than that.

Once we have your targets set I'll walk through building some sample diets so you can see my exact process on how I construct diets for my clients and set them up for long-term success.

Learn about what's important, what you can stop worrying about, and also how to adjust your diet over time to keep the progress coming.

What's Covered in Macro Boot Camp?

Chapter 1: Welcome to Macro Boot Camp

Chapter 2: Dietary Guidelines and Phases

Chapter 3: A Macronutrient Primer

Chapter 4: Setting and Adjusting Macros

Chapter 5: Finding the Right Macro Approach

Chapter 6: Meal Timing and Composition

Chapter 7: Macro Tracking Apps Overview

Chapters 8-12: Full App Walkthroughs

Chapters 13-17: Building Meal Plans in All Apps

Chapter 18: Troubleshooting a Difficult Metabolism

Chapter 19: Plant-based Diet Considerations

Chapter 20: The Caloric Floor Concept

Chapter 21: Routine Building and Troubleshooting

Chapter 22: Exercise: Build Your Own Meal Plan

Chapter 23: Dealing with Plateaus

Chapter 24: Maximizing Sustainability

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Darin Starr and I've been a full-time online contest prep and body transformation coach for 15 years. Before that, I was an in-person trainer in various studios. Before that, I was studying Civil Engineering and working in tech. It's been a bit of a journey.

I've coached thousands of clients, competitors and non-competitors alike, and I've learned some big lessons along the way.

Don't assume anyone knows anything.

Make sure the diet is enjoyable, first and foremost.

Focus on the big stuff. Understand the details but don't sweat 'em.

I created Macro Boot Camp because I've seen so manypeople over the years struggle with their diet when they don't have to. The solutions are easy, and just require a little bit of knowledge to implement. You don't need to be a registered dietician or work with one to have a good grasp on adjusting your diet to be sustainable while also meeting your goals.

This course is loaded up with everything I've learned over the last 25 years in bodybuilding. This comes from my own dieting, my own dieting failures, learning from other coaches, tons of additional reading, and looking over studies to see what research is useful to us as bodybuilders and what's tailored more to the general public who doesn't share our goals.

One thing I've learned not only from coaching so many people but also from my own
bodybuilding journey, is this:

"Your overall success is going to be limited based on how well you can follow an appropriate diet. If your plan isn't built for sustainability, you will absolutely not reach your goals"

I've seen enough people fail over the years because they just didn't understand that. They felt they had hardcore goals, and therefore needed a hardcore diet that they just couldn't hack for more than a few weeks.

I'm super excited to share this course with you and I can't wait for you to dive in, learn everything you can, and help me make this course better over time as it will continue to evolve based on your feedback.

See you in there!

Who Is This Course For?

  • You want to learn how to get maximize the results you see from your diet

  • You want to learn ways to make your diet easier and more sustainable in the long run

  • People who expect more from themselves. People who are greedy about progress and willing to work for it.

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • Your aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error.

  • You're set in your ways and know everything already (yes, I'm being passive aggressive now)

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to know before I use this course?

Literally nothing.

I start assuming that no one knows what a calorie is, what a macro is, or

why we care about any of it.

The early chapters cover that basic foundational knowledge which will still contain new information even for those who DO bring some experience with them into this course.

How long do I have to work through the course?

Your purchase includes lifetime access to all course materials and to the private member's group for ongoing support.

I suck in the kitchen. Am I screwed?

No, because I suck in the kitchen as well.

I'm pretty much a functioning idiot in front of the stove but I manage to A) make great tasting meals, and B) not kill myself or burn down my house in the process.

"Meal prep" can sound intimidating if you haven't done it before but really it's just measuring stuff, applying heat, and not burning the crap out of yourself in the process while also not being afraid to try new things.

Pretty easy.

Is this course appropriate if I'm trying to build muscle or drop body fat?

100% yes. Early on we differentiate between those goals and others that exist in some gray area between them. We'll cover setting macro targets for each specific goal, adjusting them over time, and cover all the basic foundational knowledge that's universal and applicable to all phases.

Are you using generic formulas to come up with macro targets?

Not formulas, but scientifically informed guidelines that I have tweaked from my 15+ years experience in coaching people across a wide variety of experience levels.

Each person is different and setting a target is good - but if that target is WILDLY different from what you're doing now, there should be a strategy in place for how to transition into it over time rather than just diving into a massive change in 1 day.

I'm vegetarian/vegan, is this course for me?

Absolutely, the math of dieting applies to all types of diet and lifestyle.

There is a specific chapter on sources plant-based protein sources as well and some additional considerations for the math in those cases.

Can't I learn all of this on YouTube?

Let's be clear, pretty much the entirety of all human knowledge is available online for free if you know where to look for it and have the patience to sift through it all.

What I'm offering with this course is one-stop shopping for everything you need to know - organized, presented and delivered in a way that makes it easy to digest and put into use immediately.

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